<![CDATA[BRENNA LYNN - Blog]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 20:38:40 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Apple Chucking Ceremony]]>Sun, 06 Dec 2020 18:26:47 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/the-apple-chucking-ceremonyPicture
Every year we follow traditions. We dress up on the 31st. We mash sweet potatoes. We frost cookies.

But one of my favorite traditions involves throwing small, plastic, golden apples directly into our Christmas tree.

My family has completed this tradition every year for as long as I remember. I have absolutely no idea how this tradition started, because as far as I can tell, no one else on the planet does this. As far as I can tell, no one in my family has a significant reason why this is done or what this represents. It’s entirely meaningless.

After stringing lights and garland, hanging ornaments and tinsel, and even after topping the tree with the star, each member of my family takes a turn throwing an apple into the Christmas tree. It’s affectionately called “The Apple Chucking Ceremony.”

Sometimes, the apple doesn’t stay. We might miss, or it might fall through the tree, bouncing on branches on the way down. Some years it takes 3 or 4 throws to get your apple to stay put. Sometimes Rachael pitches overhand. Sometimes Steven swishes it like a basketball player. Sometimes Vincy can’t find his apple after a toss. Every time, mom insists on filming, and we all groan.

“Don’t you guys ever break ornaments?” I get asked when I tell someone about this tradition.

“Oh yeah, all the time. Some years we break three or four. The glass shatter sound always makes us all freeze and then laugh. If we have a year where nothing breaks, we all cheer, but are secretly disappointed.”

“What if you break a fragile, special ornament?”

“That’s not really an issue, because we’ve already broken most of the fragile, special ornaments.”

She looked at me like I was crazy. Her tree had tons of delicate ornaments, some gifted to her by people no longer living. I’d wager she’d be in tears if she broke one of those ornaments.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had some ornaments break that made my mom stop and go “oh no! That one was my grandma’s.” We spent some moments being sad that something nice or sentimental broke.

We had moments where something beautiful broke and it was such a shame.

We had so many moments of realizing how delicate and breakable so many things are.

But we had so, so many moments of presence and laughter and joy. My mom always told me the only way for people like us to really be ok is to live in the moment. Live in the now. Be present and mindful.

But around the holidays, this is really, really hard for me and the lack of moment living can make me so blue.

However, during the apple chucking ceremony, I can’t be anywhere but the moment I’m in. I am laughing and screaming and tossing. I am breaking ornaments and going “oh no!” before roaring laughter hits my ears.

You see, the moment is only there when any ornament might break and that’s going to have to be ok.

The lesson is only there when the splendid sound of glass shattering rings through the air.

Because everything in life shatters like a delicate ornament.

Nothing is permanent. Someday, everything I love will cease to exist. Every person I love will die, even people who were never supposed to die. Every place I love will eventually crumble or be bulldozed. Every beautiful, sentimental item, will break into pieces or worse, be forgotten. You can pretend it’s not true all you want… but it is.

Breaking is a fact of life.

We can gently and gingerly place our lives on the tree and growl at anyone who gets too close, or we can gather as a family and launch small, plastic, golden grenades into the Christmas tree. We can refuse to accept that things break, or we can say “oh no! That makes me sad!” and then decide that it just has to be ok and it was so worth all the fun.

Maybe I’m rambling. But I bet Matt would like it.

“Do you think we can find some golden apples for our tree?” I asked the man I’m marrying.

He said yes but asked if we should take off the delicate ornaments before chucking.

“We can. But I think it’s best when you leave them on and cross your fingers.”

How funny that this meaningless, borderline destructive, and crazy tradition brought me more comfort this year than any nativity scene, star on top, or Christmas carol ever could.

<![CDATA[Lyrics to Sleep Sound by Brenna Lynn]]>Fri, 02 Oct 2020 15:24:19 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/lyrics-to-sleep-sound-by-brenna-lynn​Well it's 2am on a Tuesday
I think it's officially safe to say
That I can't sleep when you're away
Won't you come back and lie in my bed?
Can you quiet all the monsters in my head?
I think of words that I know you've said
And I'm not one to draw lines in the sand
but I'da quit by now if it weren't for that man
I collect scars all around my hand
What I wouldn't give to be type B
kiss away the compliments but actually be free
I tried meditation, I tried yoga
Tried therapy, and CBD pills
I tried blue light, sleepy tea, and white noise
Seems nothing could make me feel zen
If there's one thing your time away has taught me,
it's without you, I'd never sleep sound again
Whaddaya say we hide away and try to fool them?
Cancel all your weekend plans
Find ourselves a big ol' piece of string
And a couple of metal cans
And you impress me with your ability
To acknowledge the triviality of it all
If you want to shrink my problems
pick up your side's can and call
What I wouldn't give for a little break
But without you it's something I can't ever take
I tried meditation, I tried yoga
Tried therapy, and CBD pills
I'm so sick to death of asking questions
I'm sick to death of spinning my wheels
I tried blue light, sleepy tea, and white noise
Essential oils and melatonin
If there's one thing your time away has taught me,
it's without you, I'd never sleep sound again
(I'm up all night)
(Please come back home
I can't sleep without you babe,
I can't sleep without you)
I tried everything that I could think of
(I tried everything)
It seems nothing could make me feel zen
If there's one thing your time away has taught me
It's without you, I'd never sleep sound again
<![CDATA[Bar Fights and Dislocated Jaws]]>Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:44:25 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/bar-fights-and-dislocated-jaws​In today’s episode of “Why Is Nothing Ever Normal With Brenna”…she dislocated her jaw.

Buckle up kids let’s get into a story.

Quick background – my mom and I both have some type of genetics-based, anatomic anomaly that makes it easy to dislocate our jaws. If I yawn real big, my jaw sometimes clicks out of place, maybe gets stuck open for a moment, and then goes back into place. Except when it doesn’t.

So I left work early with a sore throat and a pounding head. I stopped at CVS minute clinic to get a strep test. Well, the doc tells me to open wide and swabs my throat for a longer-than-average time and then turns her back to me to finish the test. I slowly realize my mouth won’t shut. My jaw is stuck in a wide open position, like you’re in the middle of a yawn, but your bones won’t let you ever shut your mouth.

Well, this happened once before when my jaw dislocated, and that is a hell of a story for another day and it’s titled “the most miserable night of my life.” Essentially, I was in 2 different emergency rooms, waiting for over 4 hours with my mouth wide open, and in pain. But it has a happy ending…the doctor that finally helped me had fixed it within seconds… a simple little maneuver that didn’t hurt at all.

Now here’s the bad news. 2 things.

1. Almost no doctors have experience doing this maneuver. Because really, how common is a dislocated jaw? Only people in bar fights dislocate their jaw. Oh and young women with crappy anatomy.

2. Your mouth is stuck in a hyper-extended open position. You can’t close your mouth at all. So you can’t spit, swallow…or speak.

So I’m in CVS saying, “oh no! I think my jaw dislocated! I need your help! but it comes out like “ ahh raaaahh rah ahh ahh” and the doctor goes “yeah your mouth might be a little dry for a moment” and I’m like, “no! help me!”

She realizes that I’m not ok as I try to explain what’s going on without the ability to speak. She is extremely confused and I’m frantically writing, typing, and charading to explain what’s happening. This happened to me once before, it’s an easy fix but I don’t know exactly what to do! I ask her to start googling, gesture to the computer, and scribble out YOUTUBE.

I’m having some pain, but the problem is, the pain gets worse and worse the longer you’re stuck like that. She is desperately trying to help and calls in the other doc working, and I’m just crying because I’m getting so scared. Last time was 7 years ago in an emergency room 400 miles away.

The doctors are trying to help me as I try and explain. The key is to push your jaw back and down, opening it even wider, and your body pulls it back into place. The other key is to relax your muscles. The ladies are trying to do the maneuver to no avail.

I charade and write for them to call nearby ER’s and urgent cares to see if there’s anyone who has done it before. It’s been over an hour. One doctor says they can do it, but it’s extremely painful.

“No!” I charade and grunt through tears. It’s only painful if you do it wrong! It’s a simple, painless, drug-free fix if you do it right!

It’s petrifying to hear people say they are going to put you through excruciating pain when you know that’s not the answer and you can’t speak and advocate for yourself.
Meanwhile, Brandon is probably driving 90 mph in rush hour DC traffic to come help me.

I texted mom, then facetimed dad. Dad sees me, mouth agape and tear-soaked face, and immediately hand the phone to mom. Dad recognizes it instantly because he was there when this happened to my mother decades ago.

My mom explains everything to the doctors. It happened before, it's painless if you do this little motion. Can we try and figure it out?

Meanwhile, my parents are confused… how did I get there? Where am I? Luckily, Vince is in the room. Vincy knows sign language, and I know a little, so I fingerspell “strep” and “CVS” and other key words.

“Ok, when you did the strep test, her jaw might have opened too wide for too long, and that’s why it dislocated.” Mom translates.

We aren’t getting anywhere at the minute clinic so the doctor kindly drives me to urgent care. That doctor, however, doesn’t know what to do. They decide to send me to another facility and there, they will sedate me and get it fixed.

“Sedate her?” iPhone mom says “No, she won’t need sedated if you do it right!”

Doctor: “It’s an extremely painful process. We will need to sedate her”

Me: *sobbing* *in a state of total fear* thinking to myself “They’re going to hurt me so badly when they don’t need to…”

Brandon: finally arrives.

Well, no one can help us, my pain has increased 10 fold, so we are in Brandon’s truck on our way to the fourth medical professional of the night.

Brandon’s magic power is the ability to make me calm. “Don’t try to talk anymore. Text me if you need to say something.” He put his hand on my leg and rubbed my shoulders a little.

While we were in the car, I accepted my fate. They’re going to hurt me. It’s the only way they know, and at least it’ll be over soon. I breath and say a little prayer.

Then, I try one last time to do the maneuver to myself.

And right there, in the car, without any doctors… I painlessly and simply relocate my jaw. I close my mouth for the first time in over 2 hours. “I did it” I say clearly to Bran.

Brandon laughs and smiles and tells me in the most loving way to keep my mouth shut.

We go back to CVS, thanking the minute clinic doctors for trying so hard to help me. We pick up my antibiotics for my strep. Remember? This whole time I’ve been positive for strep! How cute when that was the most of my worries!
Now here are the morals of the story.
  1. When you know that you know…YOU KNOW. I knew it shouldn’t hurt, you just have to get it right. I don’t “trust my gut” often because I am constantly unsure of myself (maybe I’m openminded? Semantics). But in a moment like that, I KNEW how it was supposed to go. Stick to your guns when you know.
  2. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. True story.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Call in your team. Brandon helped calm me down. Dad came in clutch answering facetime. Mom advocated for me like no one else could have in that situation. Vince translated sign language.
I’m so lucky to have people that helped me. I couldn’t have made it through that night without my family looking out for me. In the end, I saved myself. But that doesn’t mean I have to do it all alone.
When you’re stuck in an uncomfortable position, and you feel like you don’t have a voice, call in help. Get advice, get advocacy, get someone who understands, get someone who can try to calm you down. And then remember that you are smart and strong and can do it.

Hang in there. You just might make it through without too much pain.

Goodnight pals, If you need me, I'll be eating ice cream and taking antibiotics.]]>
<![CDATA[The hardest part of songwriting...]]>Fri, 31 May 2019 00:39:25 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/the-hardest-part-of-songwritingPicture
For me... the hardest part of songwriting is...


Naming songs is incredibly difficult! Writing? That's easy. Give me an instrument and/or a pen and I'll exhale melodies and strung-together phrases. 

Writing songs is like feeling emotions and I guess explaining them in multiple dimensions. And I can emotion. I can feel. I can dissect my heart and throw it all over a page. I can write forever - I'm a walking four page explanation.

But naming? That's hard. Taking all that emotion, melody, lyric, and magic and condensing it into a word or short phrase is like trying to pack a months worth of clothes into a backpack.

So when I ask my fans to help name a song at a show or in a video/blog post...I'm not joking.

Thanks to all the fans who've helped me name songs. And thanks to the fans who've enjoyed my songs even if the name isn't quite right.

-Brenna Lynn

<![CDATA[I Took a Wrong Turn and Ended up in Philadelphia]]>Tue, 18 Dec 2018 16:47:55 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/i-took-a-wrong-turn-and-ended-up-in-philadelphiaPicture
Well here I am in Washington DC. I’ve got a few shows to play and long-distance boy to stay with for a few weeks. I was looking forward to my cozy weekend here in the capitol, seeing the guy I never get to see, walking through the Smithsonian Zoo Lights, enjoying hot coffee and sightseeing on a cold day.
....But my plans got cancelled.

Muffin had to stay at work for 12 hour days (14 with travel) all week. He was busy as hell and exhausted every day coming home. So I hardly got to see him all week. I kept my head up for the weekend though.

Until he got told that he had to work the Army-Navy game. He had to leave midday Friday and wouldn’t be back until late Saturday night. Did I mention he was scheduled to go in at 9pm on Sunday for a 12 hour night shift?
Gooooodbyeeeee weekend or any time with Brandon...
I was quite sad. Mainly because I had waited forever to see him again. Rearranged my schedule. Gave up my time home. All to be here. Only for him to not be.
Well….this is unfortunate.

My first thoughts were “WHY?!” and “NO” and “THIS ISN’T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE!”

The next day I told my mom about how crappy the situation was. I told her how it was unfair. How this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
She said “Well. This is how it is. What are you going to do now?”
That really spoke to me. Who cares what’s “supposed to be.” There’s really no such thing as “supposed to be.” There’s only what is. There’s only now. We can plan and plan, but the truth is, you never know how it’s going to be until it is.

There’s an old joke that I really needed to hear: If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

Your plans don’t always happen the way they were “supposed to.”

When it comes down to it, there’s only what is. Prep and plan for what you can, but stay flexible and ready to shift as needed. It’s ok to plan your life out, but do it in pencil. Don’t think about the future, the past, or what’s “supposed to be”

Just do what you can with now.

And so….
I quit thinking about what my weekend was “supposed to be” and took a look at what it was now. I got online and bought myself a bus ticket to Philadelphia and back. I left on Friday, visited an old friend I was dying to see anyway, got a fancy froo-froo happy hour drink, ate an awesome meal with old and new friends, went to a super fun Hannukkah party, saw Bran for some of the night, and got brunch the next day all before my bus ride back to DC.

I navigated the city with success (more or less) and arrived at my show to play two awesome sets and make some more new friends.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your course. Never dwell on how things were “supposed to be.” All we’ve got is right now, so you best wake up and do the best you can with it.

When your castle crumbles, build a new one. If you spend your time being sad about how it was never supposed to crumble, you’ll never get anywhere. Try something different. Adjust your material. Change your strategy. Maybe decide to build something else. Change your location. Adjust your mindset.

Eventually you’re going to create something amazing.

Never be afraid to change directions. And that’s how I found myself in Philly.

<![CDATA[197 Reasons to Do Something Scary.]]>Wed, 14 Nov 2018 19:15:16 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/197-reasons-to-do-something-scaryPicture
Wow. Look what we did together.
Together, we raised $197 for Breast Cancer research! Thank you all so much for helping me!!

It was really fun posting these videos. But the truth is, it was also really ...scary.

Honestly, it's really scary to put myself out there. I’m a little nervous posting ALL of my videos. Especially with a small fan base, I really get scared that people are going to judge me. Aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, dare I say it, people from high school…I’m always scared people will think I’m craving attention, seeming fake, or being just plain weird. It’s hard being an artist sometimes because the whole world wants to judge you.

But this video series was particularly scary. What if no one contributes? What if after annoying all of my followers with posts all month long about a topic they might not care for, no one even donates. Then, I’ll have to get on camera and say, “Great job everyone! We raised 1 dollar and 72 cents!”

My cheeks burn red every day. I’m constantly embarrassed and worried that I’m a freak or a weirdo. But the truth is, I think this is what I’m stuck with. I’ve tried to not be me and to fit in. And you know what? I really don’t think I’m capable. It takes a lot of energy to stamp yourself out every day, and I just don’t have the stamina. I guess this weirdo-ness and obnoxious self is what I’m stuck with.

So I posted the videos. Even if it meant I might embarrass myself or look stupid.

Because gosh darn it…I just can’t help it. And screw it. I want to fight Breast Cancer. So if my only weapon is 1 dollar and 72 cents…I’m still rushing into battle wielding it.

And so I just did it.
And then…
I was overwhelmed by the people donating! I was shocked to see names I never would have guessed popping up on my venmo and paypal. I was shocked to see a name I didn’t even recognize. I was shocked by the kindness of human beings.

Sure, a lot of people probably rolled their eyes at my videos. But you know what? I know deep inside myself that I did something good, and I accomplished something scary. I didn’t back down despite intense fear of judgement. I want to encourage everyone I meet to do what they want to do and do what is right even if it’s a little scary. So I best strap myself in and live my own advice.

Sometimes, people will roll their eyes. But it’s worth it. Because sometimes, you raise nearly $200 for a cause you believe in.

<![CDATA[Nashville, Conferences, Videos, Oh My!]]>Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:25:16 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/nashville-conferences-videos-oh-myPicture
Wow the past two weeks have been intense! On August 13th, I made the leap and moved to Nashville, TN, where I'll be finishing my degree and pursuing music. Check out my vlog on the move here:

August Updates!
There's a few other vlogs, some exciting and inspiring and others that are hilariously terrifying and hysterical. Make sure your subscribed to my YouTube channel and feel free to binge ! :D

I'm also excited to announce that my music video will be out this Friday, August 31, 2018! I can't wait to share it with you all. It's a low budget indie video of me performing 'No' with my loop pedal. As you know, this song covers heavy topics like consent and has that "back off, #nomeansno" mentality. I hope that came across in the video! And keep your eyes open for some bloopers soon to come!!

Lastly, this weekend I attended the CD Baby DIY Musician Conference! It was such an awesome experience - both educational and fun! My two favorite things!!! (haha sorry y'all I'm a nerd!)

Click the button to check out my vlog about the conference to get a glimpse of weekend ;)

<![CDATA[Poorly Timed Depression]]>Tue, 24 Jul 2018 20:01:49 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/poorly-timed-depressionPicture
A lot of people have asked me about what shows I’m playing this summer. I hate my answer.

“I don’t really have anything scheduled right now, I’ll keep you posted.”
My original plan was to play 8-15 summer shows after releasing my EP, Arrows, in April. I was pumped; I was hyped. I could take on anything. I had no limitation of dedication…I independently produced and promoted an album while working two jobs and being a full-time student. I am not afraid of hard work.

Unfortunately, life had other plans.

On the weekend my album was dropping, I had a total of 8 papers, projects, and presentations due. I was also incredibly swamped at work. Wait, it gets better…my boyfriend was also moving away for his new job…in Georgia…and because of the demands of his job, he had no chance of visiting me for at least the first 3 months.

My music life, my personal life, and my professional life were all at exploding at the exact same time. I hardly slept. How could I waste a moment of being with muffin when I didn’t know what the future held? I knew I couldn’t let my grades slip. And I had an album deadline to keep and a release party to plan. I got about 4 hours of sleep each night, or less, for about 3 weeks straight.

To add to that, with my boyfriend leaving, I had so many emotions filled with sadness, confusion, fear of the future, and the depression of change and letting go of an era of my life.

I’m happy to say I survived through to the end of my release week. But it took a heavy toll. I was still ready to rock and roll provided I had a little break…but that break never came.

The week after I released music, I had one particularly awful day. Let's just say my character was very attacked. I felt so defeated after that day, and I think it was the kick-start of the dark times that followed.

After being revved up so high in mental, emotional, and physical energy, it was a nosedive crash.

I never really got my spark back until probably late June. I was ok. But that was about it. Ok. No motivation, no happiness, no passion in anything I did. I normally have the struggle of wanting to do too many things, but for months I wanted to do nothing. My support system was spread out across the country and my world was bleak.

Planning a tour just didn’t happen. I couldn’t do it.

In late June, my brother motivated me to film some shots for a (very) low budget music video. That night marked the first time I felt passion, excitement, happiness, or any shred of a spark in months. Thank you Vincy, you really helped me and you didn’t even know it.

I am still in a strange place, but now I remember what passion tastes like. I have a few little projects on the horizon, ideas for the next album swirling, and some huge life announcements in the works.
Don’t count me out just yet. 

<![CDATA[Radio Play and Mispronunciations]]>Thu, 14 Jun 2018 16:05:07 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/radio-play-and-mispronunciationsPicture
 ....And that track was a local artist and musician! Brianna Lynn!

I get this all the time. It’s BRENNA Lynn. Not Brianna Lynn, Briana Lynn, Brenda Lynn, Breena Lynn, Lin, Linn, Lynne, Lane…come on you’re not even trying at this point. Jenna but with a Br.

But hey…close enough. I’ll take it.

Plus….I was on the radio! Like the real, bona fide, terrestrial, broadcast radio! WJCU in Cleveland to be exact.
             How cool is that?!

They played one of my songs and the tunes got carried over the air waves directly to people’s cars. I wonder if I brightened anyone’s day! I wonder if anyone felt understood. I wonder if anyone car danced to my music.

Even if no one heard my song, and even if they pronounced my name wrong, this was pretty amazing.

It restored something in me that I think I was forgetting.

It seems like I spend so much time pushing on walls, trying to make something move. I work, push, sweat, and struggle, only to look up at the wall and see no difference. I was starting to feel a little stuck lately, between some general life depression, writer’s block, and music stagnation. Staring at walls and feeling pretty weak.

But then, my music got played on WJCU. I reached out to them over a month ago, along with a million other media outlets, never receiving a reply, never knowing they even read my email.

And here’s the kicker…
 I didn’t even hear the music played, my uncle did. If he didn’t call, I would have never known my music was played. I would have never realized that they put my music on the radio.

I wonder how often this phenomenon happens. Your work paying off behind the scenes when you don’t even notice. Things falling into place without your knowledge. Walls finally crumbling while you’re somewhere else.

How comforting.

Who knows what effects we have that we are totally unaware of? Who knows? Maybe I’ve touched strangers or did something for them without even noticing. I know there are people that have done simple, kind things that they probably have totally forgotten about by now that have resonated with me or saved me on a dark day. A caring classmate sliding a kind card on my desk, a Starbucks employee giving me a free drink, a cool kid in high school defending me, people with big smiles or warm laughs, silly people playing on college green on a very bad day, a singer singing just the right words at an open mic night.

The people I’m referencing have no clue how much they helped me. ...Maybe I’ve been that person before. Maybe you have, too.

So listen to me closely…don’t stop pushing on walls. It’s hard, unrewarding work. But you’ve got to keep doing it. Work for your dreams, even when it seems like all your hard work is for nothing. Keep being kind to people, even if no one ever seems to care or notice. Keep living loudly and beautifully ...you never know who you might’ve helped to feel a little more alive today.

be they’ll never know your name. Maybe they will scream it someday. Maybe they’ll pronounce it wrong.

-Brenna Lynn

<![CDATA[The Release Party of the Year.]]>Wed, 25 Apr 2018 01:47:55 GMThttp://brennalynnmusic.com/blog/the-release-party-of-the-year
What. a. show.

For those of you just tuning in...I just released my first extended play (EP) last week! I've poured so much of myself into Arrows this past year, and I am SO happy that I finally get to share it with you all! It was tedious, tricky, expensive, confusing work.

Writing? That's easy for me. I can do it in my sleep (or rather...when I'm supposed to be sleeping..) But recording? engineering? producing? That is not my forte.

It is because of YOU that I kept going, despite setbacks, moments of defeat, and mountains in my way. It's because of you that I stayed up late instead of studying, trying to get this piece of myself out into the world. It is FOR you. 

I hope you find refuge in these songs and I hope they make you feel understood

Thank you to EVERYONE who came out to the party and supported me. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves at my favorite bar in Cleveland, the Map Room, while Talmadge and I serenaded you. I hope you found something you were looking for that night. I know I did.


p.s. miss the show? check out the shop page of my site, or find me on itunes/spotify/apple music/anywhere by searching "Brenna Lynn"
Thanks for keeping this show going.